In early spring of 2007 I decided to quit my job, sell my house along with nearly everything else that I owned, and to live out of my car while traveling the country. These are my stories (and pictures) of life on the road.

Monday, May 7, 2007


If you don't already know me then you're probably wondering who that good lookin' fella over there to the left is. Well I'll just tell ya who that dude is; his name is Alan Gage and he is me!

I'm 29 years old and have lived in (or near) Estherville, Iowa my whole life where I've worked with my father since I graduated high school.

OK, so now that you know who it is you must be wondering why you should care and and why I think I should clutter up the internet with yet another blog. I'll do my best to clue you in and convince you to follow along through the days, months, years(?).

About a month ago I decided quite suddenly to quit my job, sell my house (and most everything else I owned) and hit the road to travel the country until I didn't want to travel anymore. Since I'm a little too old to sponge off my parents I'll have to foot all the bills myself which means I'm going to need to do something to keep the funds up while I'm on the road or it would be a pretty short adventure. I'm a mechanic by trade and the answer is to stop for a couple days/weeks/months and pick up some work to make a little money before moving on. Thankfully I know a lot of shops/techs across the country as well as being part of a professional website that I'm fairly well known on ( so it shouldn't be too tough to find work enough to keep from going broke.

I'll be relying on people I know for places to stay and doing plenty of camping. My little Saturn is going to be packed to the gills but it's all I've got so it will have to do. It will probably be better for me actually since it will keep me from taking along stuff that I don't need and that will just take up space. I'll also have my new QCC 600x kayak strapped to the roof so I can get in some liquid hiking. Of course I'll also be packing along plenty (probably too much) photography equipment so there will be many pictures to share along the way.

I'll be keeping a very loose schedule for the trip, not knowing too far in advance where I'll be going or how long I'll be there. I do know that my first stop is Hayden, Idaho (northern) where I have to be by about the 23rd of this month. I'll probably spend 1 1/2-2 weeks there house/shop sitting for a guy that 's leaving the country for a week on vacation. After that I'll hang around the PNW until I decide it's time to move on, I'm really getting excited for my trip and can't wait for it to start.

OK, that should be enough of an initial introduction. Come back and check in now and then to learn more about that good lookin' fella at the top of the page and to see how the trip is going.


bjbuell said...

We will miss you, Al! But we are also so excited for you! Oh the places you'll go and the people you'll see! But what if you never get tired of traveling??
Love, Barb

Anonymous said...

Thanks for creating a way for me to keep track of you. I remember when I would make sure you were wearing a red shirt so you would be easy to find. Things sure are different now!

Anonymous said...

Roses are red...
violets are blue...
You're a great brother...
And I'll really miss you!

Anonymous said...

Al I love this. I will be checking it often. I just have to keep tabs on you - you are like family and will always be. Love Edith

Connie Loeschen said...

So far you have been very entertaining... you must think about writing a book when you return.
It is really fun to read, we feel like we are right there with you.
Take Care Alan... no more late night dates with a buffalo!!!
ps... this blogging thing is new to me, finally figured it out... ha!

Anonymous said...

Hello - I found your blog by searching for Baker City, Oregon, where we live. Your stories are wonderful, and your photos are excellent! I'm adding you to my daily reading, so keep on blogging!!!

Alan Gage said...

Sweet! I'm glad you enjoyed reading my adventures from Baker City. I'm actually sitting in the public library right now using their internet connection. I'll be moving on sometime tomorrow after one more hike in the Elk Horns. From the little bit that I've been here it seems like a very nice town; it reminds me of a lot of towns from back in Iowa.

MadTux said...

hello al, when you posted your idea of quiting your job and traveling around the states, i thought you had a screw lose or something... glad to see it worked out for you. i drove a big rig OTR for about 5 years and even came about 15 miles from the grand canyon and never seen it. i was about 10 miles from the pacific ocean and never seen it, and one block away from miami south beach but had to head back north at a moments notice and never saw any water there either... glad you found a way to see the world. take care, jay from georgia - iatn member

Anonymous said...

What a journey!! Absolutely breathtaking pictures!! Keep it up. I'll be checking in regularly.

Anonymous said...

Jim Linder said:
I always wanted to do this! Dude < ( a mark warren word) just DO IT.
Let me know and i contribute from time to time with Linder fuel Injection T shirts ( perfect for that hobo look), some hot sauce and a Indy care package from time to time. May even want to stop in Indy , build your self a teardrop camper and then continue on..

Anonymous said...

Al, come back to Blue Earth and see me!!

Anonymous said...

Al,...come back to Blue Earth and see me!!!1

the, Jolly Green Giant

Anonymous said...

Al, I heard in 1996 that your dog sucks. just a heads up bro.

You've reached the end of the page but that's not the end of the stories. If you want to read more (and who wouldn't!?) then click on the archive links to the right hand side of the page. They're listed by month; the adventure starts in May.

The February archives aren't actually from this trip but are previous adventures I've had, which are worth reading as well.