In early spring of 2007 I decided to quit my job, sell my house along with nearly everything else that I owned, and to live out of my car while traveling the country. These are my stories (and pictures) of life on the road.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Today was my first day at work in Tacoma and I think the best part about it was that the shop has a fridge and is right next to a grocery store. On my lunch break and I walked over and bought some groceries so I could make myself turkey sandwiches for lunch. Mmmmm, I love turkey sandwiches and it's been a few weeks since I've had one. It really hit the spot!

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You've reached the end of the page but that's not the end of the stories. If you want to read more (and who wouldn't!?) then click on the archive links to the right hand side of the page. They're listed by month; the adventure starts in May.

The February archives aren't actually from this trip but are previous adventures I've had, which are worth reading as well.